Interiors with You in Mind

Interiors by Meade Design Group are marked by a quest for timeless elegance. Inspired by a more European approach, classic elements are infused with modern edge for a sophisticated juxtaposition. A successful interior always respects the architecture of the space and layers textures, scale and materials to achieve fullness of depth and maintain interest – but most of all, it reflects the aesthetics and functional requirements of the client.


  • Style Assessment
  • Concept Design
  • Space Planning
  • Colour Palette Selection
  • Material Selection
  • Renderings


  • Floor Plans
  • Elevations
  • Reflected Ceiling Plans
  • Specification Documents
  • Vendor Selection
  • Project Management


  • Custom Furniture
  • Window Treatments
  • Wallpaper
  • Art Selection/Hanging
  • Accessorizing
  • Bed Linens

Interior Design FAQ

When should I contact Meade Design Group for my interior design project?
As soon as possible! Good design takes time, so ideally, the sooner you come to us the better. We are happy to assist you no matter what stage you are in, but the sooner you come to us, the sooner we can make suggestions that will improve your space with the finishes, concepts or furnishings that are planned saving time and money, avoiding costly mistakes.
What is the best way to communicate with Meade Design Group during my project?
We use a combination of e-mail, phone calls and face to face meetings throughout the project. For presentations of new material we prefer to meet in person whenever possible.

We do charge for any and all communication as it is a vital part of the interior design process. We often need to go into files, compare samples or check with other trades to provide you with what might appear to be a quick response.

Throughout the project, our project manager will also meet with the team to review progress and to ensure that the schedule, scope and budget are on track. Any changes to the schedule, scope, or budget will require oversight and approval by the project manager. All changes are also discussed with you, the client.

You have the right and obligation to report any issues or concerns as they occur to Meade Design Group so that resolutions can be found as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Do I have any responsibilities as a client?
As a client, you are responsible for ensuring that all laws, by-laws, building codes, regulations, strata by-laws, and other requirements are satisfied, all necessary builders lien holdbacks are retained, and that all necessary building, electrical, and other necessary permits and allowances are obtained prior to work being commenced on the project. You will also need to acknowledge that it is not Meade Design Group`s responsibility nor are we liable in any way if any requirement is not satisfied or permit obtained.

It is your responsibility for ensuring that any work done or items installed with respect to the project satisfy any and all structural, plumbing, electrical, and other requirements of the space and for making any and all inquiries in this regard.  Meade Design Group is not responsible for the design of structural, electrical, plumbing, heating, or other mechanical systems that exist or might be needed for the project.

Meade Design Group will assist and advise you with respect to a variety of items which may be used for the Project, but you need to acknowledge that the selection of items to be used for the project are yours alone, and that we are not responsible for the quality of these items or their appearance or suitability in the space.

We will also need you to allow Meade Design Group reasonable access to the project space, as is necessary to perform the agreed-upon work. We will need you to acknowledge that the peace and privacy of your residence and space may be disrupted during the time that the project is being completed.

* The drawings and specifications prepared by the designer are intended for design concept only and cannot be used for construction or architectural purposes. The drawings and documents prepared by the Designer remain the property of the Designer and cannot be used by the Client for any purpose other than the completion of the Project by the Designer.

What if I would like something I do not see in your services?
Just contact us! We work on an hourly basis and can work with you to make your project the best it can be.
How will I be invoiced for design time?

At the onset of a project we ask for a retainer to begin the work. Once your project is nearing the end, we will use this retainer towards our invoices. If there is any funds remaining from the retainer at the end of the project, and you do not owe any invoices, the remaining portion of the retainer will be returned to you.

Typically, the first invoice is only issued after the initial design concept presentation.  All subsequent invoices are then issued bi-weekly. All design time invoices are based upon the time tracked within our time-tracking system. All invoices will be sent by email and in PDF format.

All payments are due in ten days after the client has received an invoice. If any invoice has not been paid in full by the client within 10 days of receipt, interest will be charged on the outstanding balance at a rate of 24% per annum from the date of the account until paid.

Will I be charged for travel time?
We do charge the same rate for any and all time spent on a project, however, projects within the Greater Victoria area will not be billed for any travel time. Projects outside of this area may be subject to travel charges. For long-distance projects, we charge in the following manner:

  • The client is billed for 8 hours for each full business day spent outside of the studio on their project. Partial days are adjusted accordingly and weekends are only billed for time worked
  • Full rate is billed for hours worked
  • Reduced rate (50%) is billed for all other hours if less than 8 hours were worked while away from the studio (i.e. if Meade Design Group were required to fly to site on a business day)
  • All travel costs, lodging and food will be paid for or reimbursed by the client
What is the process for purchasing trade-only products or materials?
Trade only items will be estimated for you before any order is placed. These are all considered special orders and full payment will be required at the time of order placement. Shipping will be invoiced once the item has arrived (and final shipping costs have come in), and the remaining balance will be due at that time.
What is the process for purchasing store-bought items that are available to the public?
Meade Design Group will purchase items for you on your behalf, and in instances where we receive a discount (fairly common, ranging from 10%-60%), we will pass this on to you. Regardless of the discount we can get for you, or whether there is one at all, we charge a flat purchasing service rate of 20%.
How do I pay my bill, retainer or order deposit?
We offer several quick and easy ways methods of payment including:

  • Cheques made out to Meade Design Group
  • Credit card (Visa or Mastercard only), using our online billing system
  • E-Transfer
  • Cash

* You may feel free to pay with credit card over the phone, but we ask that you never send credit card information over e-mail to protect yourself and avoid identity theft.
** In the case of a materials purchase, special order or reimbursement, where the payment is not going directly to Meade Design Group and no profit is being made (payments are being passed on to a third party), we only accept debit or cheque to avoid delays or complications with your order.

Will my project appear on the website, blog, or any other magazines/publications?
Once your project is completed, we will take photographs ourselves and chances are, we will show it off on the blog or in the news section of our website. Not all projects are shown in our online interior design portfolio, because we only have so much space. However, if we select your project to be shown, we will contact you to have a professional photographer take photographs of your space.

Your project will not be published in any media aside from Meade Design Group`s own without your consent. We often have projects picked up by other media outlets and will contact you for your consent and with further details if there is any interest for your particular project.

I know exactly what I want. How do I get started?
Contact us today for a free half hour meeting at our studio in downtown Victoria, to talk about your project and what will be the right fit for you. We will review your project needs and get a feel for the aesthetic you are looking for. We can also discuss the way we work if you have any questions or concerns.
*The rates listed on this website are reviewed annually and are subject to change. Clients will be notified in advance prior to any rate changes. Rates will not change mid-contract.